
Vinyl van and C Cide

Vinyl van and C Cide

Dorchesters Vinyl van is a colourful addition to Brewery Square.

Vinyl van and C Cide

Dorchesters Vinyl van is a colourful addition to Brewery Square.

The Beat & Track

The Beat & Track

It's a family affair

The Beat & Track

It's a family affair

Screen printing part 2

Screen printing part 2

Over the day I printed T shirts, denim tote bags and limited edition printsĀ 

Screen printing part 2

Over the day I printed T shirts, denim tote bags and limited edition printsĀ 

Screen printing at Walford mill

Screen printing at Walford mill

Screen printing with Walford mills Printroom studio.

Screen printing at Walford mill

Screen printing with Walford mills Printroom studio.